Self-Care Saturday Ideas - Weekend Activities

38 Self-Care Saturday Ideas – Weekend activities

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Saturday is the perfect day to practice self-care activities after a busy and stressful week.

Discover 38 ideas to take care of yourself. They are divided into physical, mental, emotional, and social self-care with different ideas for your morning, afternoon, and evening/night.

That way, all aspects of your well-being are considered.

Feel free to choose different ideas each week and find out which of these activities fit best with your personal view of self-care. Make it a routine to dedicate time every Saturday to meet your own needs.

self-care saturday ideas




  • Get up after 7-8 hours of sleep: wake up earlier to have a slow morning routine
  • Morning workout/yoga: start your day with a little workout or stretching session
  • Dress in a way you feel good: put on an outfit that makes you feel confident
  • Hydrate with a glass of water
  • Watch the sunrise


  • Write down your goals for the next week: what do you want to accomplish, make sure to plan something to look forward to as well
  • Update your planner: schedule appointments, get clear on which day you want to pursue which task and block out some time
  • No social media in the morning to start the day slowly
  • Create a vision board (for your next trip, next year, next week, business goals)
  • Make a meal plan for next week: write out in detail what you’d like to eat each day – write a grocery list
Self-Care Saturday Ideas - Weekend Activities



  • Make yourself a healthy yummy breakfast – connect to the food you put into your body, feel gratitude for the meal you prepare for yourself


  • Have a brunch date with friends or family
  • Call a loved one: talk about your week and what’s going on in your world right now




  • Take a walk, ride the bike: do whatever physical activity you like that really gets you moving
  • Eat a portion of veggies and/or fruit or make a smoothie
  • Get groceries for next week (stick to your meal plan from the morning)
  • Book a massage/facial



  • Be in nature: enjoy the sunlight on your face or the wind in your hair, walk a little slower than usual to enjoy the beauty of nature
  • Bake for you and your loved ones: treat yourself and your loved ones with your favorite cake or cookies
  • Closet shopping: put together new outfits with the clothes you already have in your closet


  • Improve your skills in a hobby: learn a language, play an instrument, creative writing, poetry, draw your pet,…
  • Read a personal growth book
  • Listen to an inspirational podcast episode
  • De-clutter/tidy a space: dedicate some time to organizing a part of your home that you’ve been avoiding for weeks


  • Meet someone for coffee or in a park
  • Water your plants
  • Give your pets some extra care, cuddle a lot




  • Keep up with your skincare routine – do the things that would take too much time within the week like dry massage, exfoliation, moisturizing, manicure, and pedicure
  • Dance to your favorite songs


  • Read a book to unwind
  • Meditate: clear the chatter in your mind by focusing on your breath for at least 5 minutes, you could also use guided meditation apps like Headspace or Simple Habit.



  • Take a bath
  • Journal about your day
  • Mindful dinner preparation
  • Create a relaxing atmosphere (scented wax candles, calming playlist, essential oils)
  • Watch a movie that makes you nostalgic (i.e. your favorite childhood movie, or a movie you were obsessed with in your teenage years)


  • Spend dinner with your s.o. and/or a friend you haven’t seen in a while (try new places every week)
  • Watch the sunset with someone close to you
  • Have deep conversations while watching the night sky/city lights

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