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Here you can find the ultimate list of habit ideas for your perfect self-care Sunday routine.
I divided them into productivity and self-care habits. Both are essential for a successful start into the next week.
Feel free to try out different habits each Sunday and finally create the routine that is the perfect fit for you.
Just go with what you feel most inspired to do that day.
Prepare For The Week Ahead
Use your calendar and daily planner to write out your to-do list for the week ahead.
Set clear dates for the tasks instead of just having them vaguely in the back of your mind.
It’s also important that you break down bigger projects into small and very easy and doable steps.
Small steps add up eventually.
You can feel the progress every day.

Give Your Home A Good Clean
Let’s be real. Throughout the week it’s hard sometimes to find the motivation to get all the cleaning done.
There’re so many other things to do that feel more important at the moment.
Setting a clear day where we clean everything that piled up throughout the week makes it easier to stay on track.
Just take your time to clean all the spaces that didn’t get so much attention within your work week.
Organize Spaces
Over the course of a week, it happens quite naturally that our space gets a little messy.
Every Sunday go for the places that could need some organizing.
For me, it’s oftentimes my pantry, my desk, and my closet.
Just get everything back to its set place and feel the freeing feeling of a tidy and organized home.

Clean Your Car
Another thing that gets messy rather quickly. Get all the trash out so that your car will be happily carrying you through another week.
Meal Planning
Do you find it challenging to come up with healthy and nutritious recipes after a long and busy day at work?
You’re not alone! Taking the time we have on the weekends to plan our meals is keeping that type of struggle away and it helps us to eat healthier even after a stressful day.
And there’re more advantages – only buying what we truly need for our meals reduces waste and we don’t throw away as much food. A win-win for the environment as well as for our wallets.
Meal Prepping
Taking meal planning a step further and also preparing all your daily dishes is saving you so much time and energy throughout the week.
Go for easy to cook one-pot meals. You can get really creative with all the different variations.
There’re a ton of recipes to go through on Pinterest – I guarantee you that you’ll never get bored by your meals.

Do Your Laundry
Go around your home and pick up all the clothes and sort through them.
Change your bedding and towels and wash them as well.
Seeing all the clean clothes in the wardrobe at the end of the day is just a comforting feeling.
Especially because you don’t have to worry about running out of outfits throughout the week.
Track Your Finances
At the end of the week track your income and outcome to stay on top of your finances.
Write it all down in a separate notebook or use an app.
Also, keep up with the bills that came in over the week and pay them right away or set a clear date for paying them.

Digital Declutter
Transfer all the stuff to your laptop or computer that you don’t need on your phone anymore.
Organize your desktop as well as your folders on your computer and phone.
Delete all unnecessary emails in your inbox. Unsubscribe from newsletters you don’t want to read.
Unfollow accounts and channels that don’t make you feel good about yourself or aren’t in alignment with your values.
Learn A New Skill
Explore your interests and expand your knowledge about a topic you always wanted to dive into.
There are online classes for nearly every skill and interest.
Browse through YouTube, and learn new skills for free.

Self-Care Sunday Habits:
Take Care Of Your Houseplants
Give your love and care freely to your green friends. Water them and give them some extra attention after a busy week of purifying the air for you.
Make it a habit to spend some time just by yourself.
Do the things you always wanted to do but somehow delay over and over again.
Like going to a yoga course that takes place every Sunday or something else related to a hobby.
Once a week do something that makes YOU happy.
This can also be as simple as going for a walk in nature or having a little kitchen dance party to your favorite songs.
By the way here you can find my playlist filled with happy songs perfect for said kitchen dance party.
Deep Clean Yourself
Light some candles in your bathroom, diffuse your favorite essential oils, and take a long and relaxing shower or bath.
Exfoliate, put on some lotion, do your nails, do a face massage, and stick to your skincare routine.

Get Creative
Enter the state of flow.
Do something that lets you forget about time because you enjoy it so much.
This can be anything: dancing, singing, taking photos, playing an instrument, cooking, baking, gardening, journaling, writing poetry, painting, coloring books,…
Create A Relaxing Atmosphere
Make your home a place for comfort and relaxation. Some inspiration:
- Scented wax candles,
- re-arrange your furniture,
- change up your decorations,
- change your pillows and blankets
- listen to a calming playlist

Find Moments Of Stillness
Meditation is what’s immediately coming to mind when we talk about stillness.
If you’re struggling with the basic sit-down-close-your-eyes type of meditation you can try out guided meditations on YouTube or apps like Calm or Simple Habit.
Reading Time
Find a comfortable space and sit down with a good book – cuddled in a blanket on your couch, laying on a blanket in your garden, in a park, sitting in a cute little café…
Dive deep into other worlds or expand your horizon by reading about different life concepts/personal growth books.

Go Outside
Fresh air has this magic ability to clear our minds.
Perfect to let go of all the stress of the week that’s behind us now.
Take a few deep breaths and center yourself in the present moment. This is also a form of creating stillness.
Try to let go of the need to think about all the things you want/need to do next week.
Just be there with all your senses.

Whichever type of movement comes naturally to you – do that!
There’s a wide range of ways to move your body: doing an intense HIIT workout, a long yoga session, dancing around the house, a dance workout, stretching, or taking a long walk.
Connect With Family And/Or Friends
Check in with your loved ones at least once a week.
Having someone you can turn to and just talk about everything that’s going on in your life, even if it’s just minor things, is a good habit to keep.
It keeps the bond between you strong and you are still part of each other’s world, even if you can’t see each other a lot.
It’s easier to stay on top of this habit if you have a set time you call each other every week.
Reflect On The Week
Think about how you felt this week.
Is there something that can be improved to feel better next week? How can you take better care of yourself? Also, think about your happy moments of the week. What made you so happy? Are there ways to invite more moments of happiness into your life?
You can use these questions as journal prompts if you’d like to write about your week.
Go To Bed On Time
This one plays perfectly into both themes for the day: self-care and productivity. Giving your body the rest it needs and deserves makes you way more productive the next day and sets the right tone for going after all your goals and dreams.

What are your favorite ways to take care of yourself on a Sunday? Tell me in the comments!
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